Building A Dyslexia Parent Group
Course 2 - Is Your Child Suffering From Dyslexia?
“As many as 15–20% of the population as a whole—have some of the symptoms of dyslexia, including slow or inaccurate reading, poor spelling, poor writing, or mixing up similar words...”
“Researchers now estimate that 95 percent of all children can be taught to read by the end of first grade, with future achievement constrained* only by students reasoning and listening comprehension abilities.”
General signs of dyslexia
Trusting your parental intuition
Signs of dyslexia in preschool through high school.
A child’s neuroplasticity
Reasons for district pushback
Spotting snake oil salesmen
The special role of the Intervention Specialist
Knowing Is The Key
Dyslexia is a very common condition, and it’s estimated that as many as one in five people have it. If you have a family history, the likelihood is much greater that your child has dyslexia. Knowing this alone does not guarantee your child has dyslexia, but offers important insight into getting your child proper reading instruction early so they can reach their full potential. It will be a relief to your child to know they are capable of learning to read. In fact, research shows all children would benefit from instruction based in the Science of Reading. This is especially imperative for children with dyslexia to learn to read. Time is of the essence! The earlier you figure this out for your child, the better their chances will be learning to read and avoiding the trauma and social/emotional issues around falling behind their peers.
Featured Guest Speakers:
Louisa Moats, Emily Hanford, Kareem Weaver, Kerry Agins, Mike McGovern, Kevin A. Gorman, Kelli Trinoskey, Richard Golden, Julie Kowalczyk, Alejandra Rojas Silva, Joy Palmer, Jasmin Dean and Brett Tingley.